6 months completed!
On the 13th of April, the UroPrint consortium met for the M6 meeting in Athens. The meeting closed the first half year of project implementation and served to plan for the months ahead.
At the first in-person meeting of the project, partners presented their progress and introduced future plans, reviewed prototypes, and jointly worked on solutions for current and upcoming challenges.
Within UroPrint, the consortium is developing a laser printed fully functional immunocompatible urothelial tissue ex vivo and in vivo for bladder augmentation and replacement.
Coordinated by Dr Apostolos Klinakis from the Biomedical Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens (Greece), the consortium is composed of 4 SMEs and 3 Academic Institutions from different European countries.
We´re looking forward to the next 6 months of the project realization and future achievements!